
fubica.jpgWelcome to my home page! My name is Francisco “Fubica” Vilar Brasileiro. I received the Bachelor’s degree in computing science and MSc degree in informatics from the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, in 1988 and 1989, respectively. I received my PhD degree in Computing Science in 1995 from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, for my work on fail-controlled nodes and agreement protocols. In 1989, after a brief incursion in industry, I joined the Department of Systems and Computing of the Federal University of Paraíba (now Federal University of Campina Grande), where I am currently an Associated Professor. My main research areas are in fault tolerance, distributed systems and protocols, with special interest in grid computing and peer-to-peer systems. I am a member of the Brazilian Computing Society, the ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society.

brasil.jpgMore information is available in Portuguese!


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Contact information

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Departamento de Sistemas e Computação
Laboratório de Sistemas Distribuídos
Av. Aprígio Veloso, 882
Bodocongó, Bloco CO
58109-970, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Phone: +55 (83) 3310 1365, ext. 30
Fax: +55 (83) 3310 1498
E-mail: fubica [at] dsc [dot] ufcg [dot] edu [dot] br

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